
01 October, 2007

An Exciting New Forum

I've set up a forum on Edward II! It's also intended for discussions of other periods of 14th century history, or even other centuries, if people are interested. You can find the forum here.

I know there are lots and lots of people who read this blog but don't comment, so if you want to discuss 14th century history and/or have questions to ask, this is the place for you. ;)

Looking forward to seeing you there!


  1. I hope you get this as it's an old post. I clicked the link and when I went to the page one of those you have a battery virus Windows opened. I'm not sure these anything you can do about it (afraid I'm not computer savvy at all) but in case there is thought you should know. By the way I love your blog. Thanks for taking the time to make all this history available.

  2. Hi Anon! Oh dear! :( Thanks for letting me know! I'd completely forgotten about the old forum and have no idea any more how to log in or delete it! Must try to figure that out...Thanks for visiting the blog!
