
15 December, 2008

More Cool Names

Because it's nearly Christmas and I can't be bothered to write a post that requires me to actually do some thinking, here are some more cheap laughs at the expense of fourteenth-century people. :-)

Adam Halfnaked: keeper of the lands of the bishop of Hereford, 1324. (Sometimes spelt as the notably less interesting 'Halnaked' or 'Helnak').

Thomas Sexi: accused of 'diverse trespasses against the king's peace' in Berkshire in March 1308.

William le Glot: pardoned for outlawry in Hampshire in April 1325.

Godemender de Hexe, Corges Episcopi, Ywer de Waddesbussh, Huspaker de Logbussh and Iwer de Skerfhungre: Norwegian merchants in England, October 1312. (Accused of stealing the goods of one Tydemann de Lippa, said to be a 'merchant of this realm', i.e. England.)

Walter le Clophoffether: accused of stealing the deer of William Latimer in Surrey in March 1324.

Ralph Suckyng and John Cok: accused of 'breaking the gates of several woods' in Northamptonshire in October 1318. Imagine the clerk of the court reading their names out - 'All right, Suckyng, Cok, you're up next...'

Icok de Oldyngton: a malefactor in Cheshire in the summer of 1327.

Galfridus le Butor: released from prison in Devon in March 1308, having been indicted for 'diverse trespasses against the king's peace'. Others with him: John, William and Ralph Inthepitte, Richard le Reve uppehill (with a small 'u'), Elyas Bysuthbeare, Esger de Putesmere and Johel Thenykersman.

Hugh 'le Haliwaterclerk of Seint Petrekyrk atte Skynmarket': accused of assaulting John Cawod in Lincoln in August 1316. Hope the clerk wrote extra small to fit that mouthful in the space available.

Guy atte Shippewasshe: held land in Hampshire in May 1325.

Laderana de Byker, Amflesia de Willeford, Desiderata de Toryngtone, Wymarca Meel, Amflusa de Donestaple, Orangia de Chercheyerd: what extraordinary first names some of the women of Edward II's era had!

Isarn de Lanneplaa: alternative spelling of 'Isard de Lana Plana' from my last post.

William la Tart: receiver of Ponthieu in 1313.

Lovekin de London: master of a ship called le Leonard in October 1312.

Fynny Soutere or Fynnus le Suur: Scottish prisoner released from Bamburgh Castle by Edward II in November 1307.

John Go inthe Wynd and Pentecoste Russel: soldiers sent by the city of London to Edward II's Scottish campaign of 1308 (which was cancelled). I've seen a few refs to men called 'Pentecost' - seems to have been a surprisingly popular name.

Lambekyn Sotekyn de Heis: described as a 'malefactor of Flanders' in May 1310 after stealing a ship of the dowager countess of Norfolk.

Elizabeth Olyfart: A Scottish woman whose brother William was captured by Edward I at Stirling. In June 1309, Edward II ordered the abbess of Barking "to deliver Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, the king having granted her to the said Henry." Was she a person or an object??

Jakemes de Messmes: accused of stealing gold florins from merchants of Beverley in January 1310.

Breto Grymewart: a 'malefactor of Genoa' in August 1310, who 'took by armed force' a ship bound from Flanders to Bayonne, one of Edward II's cities. It's not really an Italian-sounding name, is it?

Gilemin de Lyghtebirkes: mentioned as the father of Ranulph, January 1309.

Baldwin de Arsebrek: knight of the count of Flanders, March 1312.

Boukin Brounlysk: fishmonger of London, who in 1329 stole 'certain writs of the king [Edward III] and letters of Queen Isabel' and threw them into the mud.

Benedict le Bastard: murdered Henry Behetlan in Cornwall sometime before February 1310.

Trippetus de Abyndon: associated with Piers Gaveston's half-brother Guillaume-Arnaud de Gaveston in March 1312. Abingdon is in Oxfordshire. Trippetus is not, however, your typical Oxfordshire name.

William Whirlepipyn: his son Gilbert was imprisoned in Lincoln in July 1312 for murdering Robert Bobelyn.

Bourd de Gavaston: staying at Wallingford Castle in July 1312. Presumably a relative of Piers Gaveston, killed the month before and the owner of Wallingford, but I don't know how.

Nicholas Watkyn neve Got de Lincoln: owed 40 shillings to Richard de Boryngham in June 1319.

Reynus or Reyner Piggeflesshe, Robert Freshfish and Peter Piebakere: merchants of London, around 1320.


On 12 May 1321, Edward II wrote to a dozen or so of his officials in Gascony, authorising the sale of a house there called the Earl's Hall (aula comitis), which, Edward said, had become a "brothel of worthless women." The brothel was in the town of Condom.


  1. And I thought some of the names I've heard nowadays were weird!

  2. Laderana de Byker, Amflesia de Willeford, Desiderata de Toryngtone, Wymarca Meel, Amflusa de Donestaple, Orangia de Chercheyerd

    Really, who needs an Amber if she can have Laderana and Orangia. :)

  3. Breto Grymewart sounds a little like one of the Grimaldi. Ranieri I Grimaldi was made Admiral of France in 1304 - the family had just taken the castle of Monaco; they are still Princes there. Both Oberto and Roberto are family names.

  4. LOL - just when I thought you'd found them all already in the last post!

    And just WHAT did they do with that cow??? I think we should all collaborate on a new book entitled: 101 ways to annoy people with a cow!

  5. Reminds me of an entry in the baptism register for one of the Dartmouth (Devon) parishes for 1737. 'Constant, the daughter of Ann Sex, was baptised'.

    Constant Sex. Funnily enough, she never married.

  6. Baldwin de Arsebrek - that has really tickled me!

  7. I'm pretty sure that Richard de Boryngham was my seventh grade math teacher. And Baldwin de Arsebrek MUST have been a plumber. (You know the "plumber's crack" in Europe, don't you? That's where the trousers fall down as the plumber leans forward.)

  8. Can I still book a flight to the town of Condom today?

  9. Regarding Trippetus and Guillaume Arnaud - according to the Close Roll what do you think they were actually doing? Perhaps transporting and guarding the money that was apparently advanced to Edward by a merchant? (It seems that a more administrative role, such as paying out the horses' expenses, would have been done by clerks) It also seems somewhat strange that Guillaume Arnaud would have been assigned to travel around the country at that time, since he could have been taken hostage by Piers' enemies.
