
14 February, 2009

Edward II's Valentine to Piers Gaveston

Courtesy of the Valentine Generator, via Susan Higginbotham:

To my gorgeous Gascon,
You are the castle of my earl of Cornwall. I want to swoon with you more than any Wallingford in the whole jousting tournament.
The first time we hunted, I felt glowing in my shoulders, and I was so joy that I could barely adore. I knew that we would worship together for whole lives.
Whenever you idolise, it makes me blaze eternally and hug like a flamboyant lance.
I will soar with you wildly until the knight sighs and the passion dies.
Burnished Valentine's Day!
Love, your supercilious beauty
Edward, roi d'Angleterre

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. That is brilliant Alianore!

    it makes me blaze eternally and hug like a flamboyant lance.

    Piers would have loved that bit! hehehehe!

  2. Roflol, that's some prose that is not only purple but SPARKLES. But I bet it would have made Piers melt. :)

  3. Yes, Piers was definitely into lances and sparkles:-)

  4. Sparkles! There's a great word I should have fed into the generator! :)

  5. I'm sure that card companies will be flocking to make use of Ed's sparkly, purple prose!

  6. Ed would surely have given Piers a few sparkles as well as the verse - diamonds, rubies, the usual:) And Ed would have been rewarded with more than a glow in his shoulders!
