
07 January, 2010

Happy (Belated) New Year

Happy belated 2010, and hope you all had a great Christmas! This is a quick post till I get round to writing the next proper one - after a long holiday and a very disrupted and, agh, very delayed journey back thanks to heavy snow, I need a bit of time to get back into blogging again.

Northern Europe has had very cold, snowy, icy, frosty weather since a few days before Christmas, a cold snap which seems set in for the foreseeable future. This got me thinking about the weather in Edward II's era, when many winters saw "such cold and such masses and piles of ice on the Thames and everywhere else that the poor were overcome by excessive cold" and the extreme cold "oppressed mankind much." How on earth did people manage before central heating and double glazing were invented? It doesn't bear thinking about.

Anyway, here are some pics of a snowy South Cumbria over the festive season...

The snow-covered southern ranges of the Cumbrian mountains, with Ulverston in the foreground. I took these pics just after New Year, when most of the snow had melted on lower ground, before it began snowing again on 4 January.

Below, the views from the hill behind our house on Christmas Day.

Snow evaporating, or whatever the correct term is, on Boxing Day (26 December).

Walking on non-gritted roads with all that compacted ice and snow feels a bit like you're taking your life into your hands.

Interesting cloud formations.

Lots more posts on Edward II, his life, reign and era coming up in 2010! It's good to be back...


  1. Yay! You are back. Sorry it is so cold. I will send you some of our hot. Only we aren't having any.

    Happy 2010!!!

  2. Happy New Year! Sorry to hear about your rough journey home - travel has been awful and doesn't look like improving any time soon. I'm trying to walk over the field paths rather than on the icy roads if I have to go anywhere.

    Lovely photos of the Cumbrian fells.

  3. Welcome back! I'm amazed you managed to get home from the UK at all - we're 'closed':> Happy New Year!

  4. Welcome back! We've had an unusually long cold spell here, but no snow.

  5. Good to have you back!

    Yes, how did the poor peasants survive those freezing cold winters without proper heating?

    Its soooooooo cold here!

  6. I love that last photo, Alianore. I was in Lancashire where there was even more snow than that. Now home in London where there is yet more snow! I was thinking the same as you, that this is a real taste of what the Mini Ice Age winters must have been like.

    In other news, my January poll is on the subject of who has been the most maligned by history. Edward II is one of the candidates, so if anyone would like to vote for him, come on over! The poll is in the sidebar.

  7. Kate: thanks, and hope you get some hot weather soon!

    Carla: thanks, and the same to you! I've also been trying to walk on grass rather than pavements, wherever possible.

    Anerje: I'm also amazed that we managed to get out - albeit after a long delay!

    Susan: thanks! It's great to be back.

    Gabriele: thanks, and the same to you!

    Clement: nice to see you again!

    Miss Moppet: yes, I was amazed to see all the heavy snow in Lancs when we were on the train to Manchester airport! And I'm off to your blog right now to vote for Edward. :)

  8. Lovely photos. Happy New Year to you as well!
