
06 March, 2013

Isabella Guest Post

While I'm preparing my next blog post, which is probably going to take quite a while as I'm not very well at the moment, please do visit my friend Sarah's blog to read my guest post there about Edward II's queen Isabella of France.  Sarah and other blog guests are doing a post every day in March in honour of Women's History Month, a fantastic idea, so there'll be (and already is) loads of great stuff to read.  See also Sarah's post about the non-adulterous Eleanor of Provence - I found an entry on the Close Roll recently which demonstrates as conclusively as possible what I already knew, that Kenilworth Castle was still in the possession of Henry III in September 1238 around the time that he and Eleanor conceived Edward I, and that therefore there is *not the slightest reason* to think that Simon de Montfort was anywhere near the queen at the time and of course was not Edward's real father.  Not that anyone with any sense ever believed otherwise...


  1. Somehow even this is awesome!

  2. Great post on Isabella ... and I hope you feel better soon.


  3. Kathryn, I too do hope you will feel better soon :-) I will visit Sarah's blog later in the afternoon. Now, off to work (I'm not very happy about the prospect for I have caught a chill myself).

    One more time thank you for Henry's birthday wishes. The Young King must be absolutely delighted (so many kind and supportive words on his Big Day!) I'm so happy for him.

  4. Thanks so much, Kasia! Hope you feel better very soon. I had a couple of days off work, but am back today, not entirely happily, but still :)

    I'm so pleased for him too! Hope he had a lovely day :)

  5. Hope you're feeling better. Will check out your guest post.

  6. Thanks, Anerje! Am feeling somewhat better now.
