
25 April, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Oops, I meant to write a blog post today on this most special day, but completely forgot.  :-)  730 years ago today, on 25 April 1284, Edward II was born in Caernarfon, North Wales.  Happy Birthday, my dear lord king!  Here instead is a post I wrote about his birth several years ago.  Today is also the birthday of Roger Mortimer (1287) and of Louis IX of France (1214), great-grandfather of Edward's queen Isabella.  Many happy returns, all!

Normal blog- writing service to be resumed soon, I hope :-)


  1. Obviously too busy celebrating. Break out the bubbly!

  2. I'll crack open another bottle of bubbly! (hic). Happy Birthday Edward II!

  3. Happy birthday to Edward -- and Mortimer too, I guess. That shared birthday must have spared Isabella a few awkward moments (of course, a shared name would have spared even more :)).

  4. Happy birthday to all concerned :-)
