
12 December, 2014

Yet More Cool Names of Edward II's Era

As it's nearly Christmas, here's a post with some funny or cool names I've found in the early fourteenth century, following on from long-ago posts on the same subject herehere and here. :-)  Let's face it, though, however hard I look for great names, nothing's ever going to top Adam le Fuckere...

Adam son of Hugh de Mukelesdon-in-the-Hales: pardoned for murder in 1310.

Siglanus Susse: a merchant of Bishop's Lynn in 1325 (he seems to have been Norwegian).

Valentine de Arundell: accused of murder before King's Bench in 1308.

'Nicholas Valentyn and Valentine his brother' signed a charter in Dover in 1319.  Valentine Valentyn?

Bona le Hoder: late the wife of Godwin le Hoder, a citizen of London in 1321.

Gilbert Asole: murdered by one John le Wayte in or before 1326.

Eudo de Assarto: going overseas with the archbishop of York in 1311.

Master Bindus de Bandinellus: appointed an attorney in 1324.

Dukettus de Eldestok: accused of burning down a grange in Dorset in 1319.

Peter Misfitte: accused of stealing goods from a wrecked ship on the Isle of Wight in 1321.

Hermer Alisaundre and John Cukcuk: accused of breaking and entering in Norfolk in 1308.

Ispanius de Garossa: parson of a church in Norfolk in 1310.

Virgilius Godespeny: witnessed a charter in Dover in 1320.

Ivo de Baggeslo: accused of breaking and entering in Warwickshire in 1327.

William Abbessesometer, John Henriesheiward and Henry Henriessometer: accused of breaking and entering a house in Wiltshire in 1313.

Conan Dask: accused of theft in Westmorland in 1308.

Serlo Seliman: assaulted and falsely imprisoned in Devon in 1317.

John Dood atte Asshe: accused of assault in Buckinghamshire in 1310.

John Dammanneissone: accused of stealing goods from a ship in Norfolk in 1322.

Elias Atterponne and Esger de Puttesmore: pardoned for stealing cattle in 1310.

Grisius de Barberine: merchant of Florence trading in England in 1308.

Doffus de Barde and Togge de Alboys: other Florentines in England around 1308.

Jovencus Lami: a parson in Lincolnshire in 1319, also a Florentine.

Edeneuet le Budel: accused of assault and false imprisonment in Shropshire in 1322.

Wyot le Fevre ('the smith'), Adam Wyotesman and Roger Rompe: accused of theft and assault in Suffolk in 1319.

Robert de Barneby juxta Calthorn: very posh-sounding name for a man accused of taking his cattle to eat all the grass on a Yorkshire manor in 1309.

Manser Ciprian: accused of entering a court armed in Norfolk in 1325.

Richard Fitz Dieu: a merchant of Kingston-upon-Hull in 1322.  Curious name as it means 'son of God'!

Landus Homo Dei: appointed an attorney by a Florentine banker in England in 1325 (his name means 'man of God').

Lukettus Marabotus de Carpena: appointed a member of Edward II's household in 1317.

Samyas Antoninus Siteroun and Costerus Morel: to be arrested in 1325 for unstated reasons.

Shiteburghlane: a street in London in 1321.


  1. Brilliant!

    "Roger Rompe: accused of theft and assault in Suffolk in 1319."

    This guy might have been a finn, ROMPE in finnish means litterally Stuff, gear etc. Perhaps he was trying to explain how all this stuff had ended up on his posession and used the finnish word Rompe so many times, that the officials eventually named him after that. :-D

  2. Haha, that's great! And you know the meaning of 'romp' in modern English? In the language of the British tabloid newspapers, it's used as a euphemism for sex, as in 'Footballer X romped with a busty blonde' :D

  3. I would never dare to pronounce these names (at least not in public). God forbid! :-)

  4. Yes, announcing 'This is my friend, Gilbert Asole' might prove slightly embarrassing ;-)

  5. Some very amusing names there! I do like the idea of a Valentine Valentyn! LOL!

  6. :-D Oh, "romping"! That gives the name really some new dimensions!

    On serious note: what these show to me, no one at that time had no idea how some names should be spelled. I guess some clerks just thoughed: "Now how the heck I'm going to spell that jibberish? Oh, what the... Its not like someones going to read these in the distant future and giggle at them."

  7. Did John le Wayte ask for clemency on the grounds that his victim was an Asole?

    These are all great. Though the immortal Adam le Fuckere is still the all-time champion in this category.

  8. Yes, Adam le Fuckere is unbeatable in the name stakes, and tops the list of 'What not to change your name to'. However, 'Gilbert Ashole' comes close.

    I once knew a girl called Valentine Valentine. It was her father's name, and his father's name, but she was the only child, arriving after many years of marriage, so she copped it!

  9. Thank you for the laughs!


  10. Love these!

    Aymer de Valence had a retainer called William Milksop from 1312 - 1319. Not the person you want to be standing next to at Bannockburn!

