
15 May, 2015


Oh dear, I'm really not having a lot of luck with my health this year. For the second time in a few weeks I'm suffering from corneal erosion, which is just as painful and horrible as it sounds. I'm typing this with the affected eye closed and sitting in the dark as the eye is so sensitive to light. No chance at all to research and write a proper post, I'm afraid, so here are some pics to be going on with till I've recovered (very soon, I hope). All pics were taken by me.

Ruins of Knaresborough Castle, North Yorkshire, formerly Piers Gaveston's.

Ludlow Castle, Shropshire, formerly Roger Mortimer's.

Caernarfon Castle, North Wales, birthplace of You Know Who.


  1. I hope you will feel better soon, Kathryn! Fingers crossed for your speedy recovery.

  2. Thanks, Kasia! It seems a bit better today, thank goodness.

  3. Oh ouch. That sounds awful. Gentle hugs

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lovely pictures! Get well soon!

  6. Will keep you in my prayers ... hope you recover quickly.


  7. I thought something was up - a week and no Edward II post?! So sorry to hear about your eye problems again. Get well soon!

  8. Thanks for the pics. Increase your intake of Vitamin D3 to at least 3,000 IU daily.

  9. Thanks, Anerje!

    Christopher, thanks for the tip! I do have a vitamin D3 supplement as it happens, so will up the dosage.

  10. Get better soon.

    And more castles for my list (except Caernarfon which I've already visited). Need to save up some money for an UK trip again.

  11. Dear Mrs Warner

    So sorry to hear this.
    Wishing you a speed recovery.
    Thanks so much for your wonderful contribution and
    elaborated knowlegde about this very interesting
    period in English medieval history.
    I uses one of the wonderful photo's you posted
    in this post for an article I am about to write,
    of course mentioning the link to your
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Kind greetings
    Astrid Essed/Amsterdam/The Netherlands

  12. So sorry you are unwell. As your post was a few days ago I hope you are on the mend now. The photographs are great. Somebody I was at school with lives in Knaresborough but we are out of touch now. I really haven't much excuse for not visiting Ludlow Castle though (I've been past it) as it is in a neighbouring county to mine and I have reached the magic age where I have a free bus pass.

    Patricia O

  13. Thank you for these photos.
    i hope you'll get better soon!

  14. Thank you for the kind wishes, Astrid, Patricia and S!

  15. Get well soon! The pictures are cool.
