
24 February, 2017

My New Books Are Now Available

I'm delighted to announce that my next two books are now available for pre-order! Long Live the King: The Mysterious Fate of Edward II will be released on 1 June 2017 in both the UK and US. Here is the UK Amazon link, here is the US one. Ignore the customer reviews on; they're for a much older book with a similar title which have been wrongly attributed to my book - hope Amazon sort that out soon. The 'Look Inside' feature also doesn't work, and the author biography is, evidently, not me ("the American Agatha Christie"??). Long Live the King is also available from Book Depository, here.

My fourth book, a biography of Richard II (final title to be determined) will be released on 15 October 2017. Amazon UK link here, US link here, Book Depository here.

Other news: on Saturday 24 June 2017, I'm leading a study day called "King Edward II: The Man and the Mystery" at the Wuffing Education Study Centre at Sutton Hoo, Suffolk (site of one of the greatest ever archaeological finds in the UK). The programme is here; scroll down to see 'my' day. Click here to book a place; if you've never been to a study day at Sutton Hoo before, it's only £25. Hoping to see you!

Finally, the special 'medieval kings and queens' edition of BBC History Magazine is out now. If you're not in the UK and can't buy it in a local shop, you can order it here. I wrote the opinion piece, and there's also an article by me about Isabella of France. Pics below!


  1. Great news on the books! I got my copy of BBC Medieval kings and queens. Enjoyed your article and mentioned it in my latest post, contrasting it with a 'rival' article - which you won't be very pleased about at all!

  2. Out of interest, what will your study of Richard II add to the field? I am just thinking here of Nigel Saul's marvellous academic biography of the king and wondered what yours will add that Saul's did not.

  3. Brilliant news about the release of your books Kathryn - all on my list for summer reading. I know you will have thoroughly researched them so I am really looking forward to reading them. Amanda

  4. Looks like I have spending to do - with pleasure too!

    Brilliant news!

    Thanks lady K !

  5. I have just looked at the blurb for your Richard II biography and I think it is false advertising to suggest that this is the "first modern biography" of him, because it is not true. It is like Alison Weir claiming that her biography of Mary Boleyn was the first ever biography of her - not true. Just seems dishonest to me.

  6. I had nothing whatsoever to do with writing the blurb - nothing published on Amazon, or the book cover, or various other things are in my control - you should email Amberley Publishing and tell them.

  7. I recommend you read the book in question and review that, anonymous, and address the marketing people of the publisher concerning any "false" advertising. Kathryn writes the books, you know.

  8. Hi Kathryn,

    I just wanted to write a brief thank you. I've been following your blog for a few years now and I've found your research to be both interesting and informative. I haven't been able to get my hands on your books yet, but I plan on ordering them soon. It was also through your blog that I learned of the Mortimer History Society Essay Prize Competition, and I decided to enter for a bit of fun. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I received a commendation for my entry which will be published in the MHS journal, my first piece of scholarly writing to be published. Thanks again, please keep posting interesting information about Edward II's remarkable reign.

    Kind regards,


  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. That's great, Ethan, many congrats! Please let me know when your piece is published! (PS: your comment posted twice so I deleted the second one)

  11. Apologies if the earlier post caused some confusion, my issue is not with Kathryn's book (which sounds fascinating) but with the marketing of it. This isn't limited to this particular book, because I came across a very strange blurb for an upcoming biography about Anne Boleyn that was frankly rather disrespectful of previous work, in how it was presenting the book. I have very strong feelings about dishonest marketing. I will not email Amberley but I just wanted to double check this. If I were Nigel Saul, for example, I would feel irritated.

  12. It's a fair point, Anon, and that part of the blurb did make me think 'huh?' when I saw it on Amazon. After all, Saul's magnificent bio of Richard only came out in 1997, which may be 20 years ago now but is hardly pre-modern! And there have been other books about Richard II published since then, perhaps not biographies as such, but still. I'll mention it to Amberley for sure. From my purely selfish perspective, I'd hate to put off potential readers because of false advertising (even if I'm not responsible for it) or what readers might perceive to be false advertising, and alienating other historians in the field doesn't seem very sensible either.
