
17 November, 2019

Documentary about Edward II on Arte

Last year, I was interviewed in Cologne for a documentary about Edward II, which was shown on the Arte TV channel (a French-German collaboration) yesterday evening, 16 November. For anyone who reads German, there's more info about the programme hereThe documentary is now available on the Arte website, and also features Professors Seymour Phillips and Chris Given-Wilson. It can be seen until 13 February 2020, is fifty-three minutes long, and is mostly in German with English subtitles (with the British historians speaking English, of course). They gave me the last word, heh. Enjoy! :-)


  1. It's great to see you on TV! I wish there were more documentaries/movies about the real Edward! Will watch it soon, thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you, Sylvia, and hope you enjoyed it! Yes, would be great to see more stuff on TV about Edward, especially a drama series (as long as it was properly researched and accurate, of course!).

  3. Well done Kathryn, I am so pleased that you got the last word to give a bit of balance to Edward's story. I have said before that I wish the BBC or elsewhere would broadcast a series of documentaries etc about the 'three Edwards) i.e Edward I, II and III. Enough of the Tudors!

  4. Thank you, Amanda. Yes, that would be wonderful!

  5. Watched it and liked it. It was a bit of a fresh air on the subject but still some old things hang on. Isabella and Mortimer were lovers but Piers was just a Friend, as was Hugh. Yes, okay, I understand the concept of brotherly love and so on but I think anyone with normal sensibility can see that Piers was Edwards great love for what ever reason, never mind did they had sex or not, and that is homosexual relationship.

    I believe that he loved Isabella for a time too which makes him bisexual which is good thing to mention just like you did. Yes, I think he was "infatuated" with Hugh for what ever reason and even if they did not have sex, which we can not say, it was once again homosexual love interest, no matter how much some people try to explain it.

    And No, Isabella and Mortimer were not lovers, they did not have sex or shared rings and bed etc. She used him and he used her to get what they wanted and when Mortimer grew too big for his breeches Isabella organized a coup in which her young son captured Mortimer and did him away. Why I am so sure that Isabella did it or was the main mover in that? Well, Edward Jr got information from the inside of the Nottingham castle and the only one inside he could trust and who knew in which rooms Mortimer would be at certain times was Isabella.

    I think people give her too little credit. She was a true queen in many ways. She out smarted her husband the King and played Mortimer like a violin, and she got most of the barons on her side, she made sure her son came to power and carried on the dynasty so she achieved all a queen could wish for in the most difficult situation. And I bet she loved Edward as a man if not as a boneheaded king. Just check out her own funeral arrangements. And I bet this love was also the reason her son treated her the right way once he was on the throne. Had she been murdering his father and somehow hateful towards him, Edward III would have treated her just a bit differently.

  6. I've been waiting for news of this and will check it out!
