
09 January, 2015

Edward and Isabella, and Other Stuff

Unfortunately I've been ill all week and have been unable to write a proper blog post, but Kyra Kramer kindly hosted me on her own blog a couple of days ago. I wrote a post for her about Edward II and Isabella of France's relationship, which you might find interesting!

Anerje wrote a post this week about Piers Gaveston's funeral. In a few days, it will be the 703rd anniversary of the birth of Piers' and Margaret de Clare's only child Joan Gaveston, who was born in York probably on 12 January 1312.

Today is the 698th anniversary of the coronation of Edward II's brother-in-law Philip V as king of France on 9 January 1317.  Also on this day, in 1310, Edward confiscated the goods of his later favourite Hugh Despenser the Younger, who had gone to take part in a joust in Mons contrary to the king's recent prohibition.

Other anniversaries this week:

On 3 January 1323, Andrew Harclay, earl of Carlisle, met Robert Bruce, king of Scots, at Lochmaben, and told Bruce that Edward II would acknowledge him as king of Scots.  Edward executed Harclay for treason exactly two months later.

On 8 January 1323 or shortly before: Death by peine forte et dure of Robert Lewer, once a close ally of the king who loathed the Despensers and turned against Edward, and frankly was a bit of a thug. Well, more than a bit.

On 11 January 1323 - why are all these anniversaries in 1323? - Maurice, Lord Berkeley and Sir Hugh Audley the Elder nearly escaped from Wallingford Castle.


  1. Hope you feel better soon! (you're not really allowed to be ill and deprive your blog readers:>)

  2. I can hear quite a squall blowing outside while I type this so it's a scant surprise that folk are going down with the dreaded lurgy. I hope you are improving and will look forward to reading more blog posts from you in 2015.

  3. Thank you! Yes, I'm on the mend now, and looking forward to writing lots more posts :-) I know so many people at the moment who are ill!

  4. Hello. Your blog is very very interesting. We are a couple from Argentina and we are very interested about Plantagenet's and Capeto's history. We are going to Paris and London in few days and we should know if it`s possible to visit the tombs of Isabella and Roger Mortimer. As far as we know, they are in Newgate. Is it true?

    Thank you very much

    Guillermo and Claudia (William and Claude)Claude

  5. Speedy recovery, dear Kathryn! Although I do agree with Anerje! :-) I will spread the word about Joan Gaveston's birthday on 12 January ( I won't miss it, for the same day is both my aunt's and my niece's birthday ;-))

  6. 1323 was clearly an exciting year (though it's a good thing Edward didn't know how much more excitement was to come). Why was participating in a joust forbidden -- safety concerns? Fear of demonstrations of some sort?

    I hope you feel better soon -- I've been hearing all about the hideous weather but Seattle appears to be in a temperate pocket and we haven't been experiencing any of it. (Speaking of Seattle, I'm always amused to see references to Wallingford -- here, Wallingford is a neighbourhood boasting hideously expensive houses, lots of restaurants and, until recently, a Erotic Bakery just by the bus stop).

  7. Guillermo, welcome to the blog! :) Sadly, neither Isabella nor Roger's tombs still exist. Isabella was buried at the Greyfriars church in London, which was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666 and the Blitz of 1940/41, and Roger was buried in Coventry. His remains may have been moved to Wigmore not long afterwards, but this is uncertain, and the location of his final resting place is unfortunately unknown. I hope you and Claudia have a wonderful visit to Europe!

    Thank you, Kasia! Wow, that's a lovely coincidence about it being your aunt and niece's birthdays as well! :)

    Sonetka, Edward often banned jousts for security reasons (lots of armed men gathering, hmmm...) and on this occasion had also forbidden English noblemen to joust abroad, not sure why.

    Thank you! We've been lucky enough to have had a pretty mild winter so far too. Hehe, I had no idea there was a part of Seattle called Wallingford! :) To me, it's always the place where Piers held a jousting tournament in late 1307, heh. (

  8. Perhaps Eddie toughed that jousting was silly compared a good comedy play?
