
24 June, 2016

24 June

So apparently something important happened in Scotland involving Edward II on this day 702 years ago, on 24 June 1314, but I'm afraid I don't have the faintest idea what it was. ;-)

24 June is the feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, one of Edward II's favourite saints. On this day in 1317, 699 years ago, Edward paid a man named Peter de Foresta two pounds for making him "a crown of wax of various colours and of various devices" to celebrate the feast. In 1326, Edward celebrated the day by playing dice with his chamber knight Giles Beauchamp in the Tower of London. At some point, not sure when, the king bought a painting of John the Baptist from John the Painter of Lincoln, which he kept in his chamber, and he also owned relics of the saint (among numerous others). 24 June 1312 was one of Edward's last happy days before he heard of the murder of Piers Gaveston two days later, and in 1313 he and Isabella were staying at Pontoise around the Nativity; it was at about this time that Edward saved Isabella's life from a fire.

Yesterday marked the anniversary of the death of Edward's kinsman Aymer de Valence, earl of Pembroke, who died on his way to Paris on 23 June 1324. Aymer was the son of Henry III's half-brother William de Valence, hence was Edward's half first cousin once removed. Aymer was, according to his mother's Inquisition Post Mortem of 1307, born sometime between 1270 and 1283. So that's helpful.

25 June is the anniversary of the battle of Vega de Granada in 1319, when two of Edward's many Castilian cousins were killed.

Finally, here's one nice fact about something that happened at Dunbar, where Edward had fled after the completely unknown and obscure Scottish thing which happened on 24 June 1314: Edward later granted one William Fraunceys or Franceis an income of fifty marks annually in gratitude for the unspecified "kind service he lately performed for the king in his presence at Dunbar," also called his "great service in the king's presence at Dunbar." William's name means 'Frenchman'. [CPR 1313-7, 273; CPR 1317-21, 111; CCR 1313-8, 298, 497.]


  1. Hmm, I wonder what that event could be?????:)

  2. Great post! Couldn't guess what that other event was.


  3. Scotland, unknown event... It must be those mists and fogs ovre there yonder on them fells and hills why it remains unknown.
