
09 December, 2012

A Guest Post By Author David Pilling

Today I'm very pleased to welcome talented historical fiction writer David Pilling to my blog with a guest post!

(Just before he begins, I'd like to apologise to all the people I owe emails to, who have contacted me via the blog with questions and are still waiting for a reply: I haven't forgotten you, I promise, but am just very, very busy at the moment and rarely online.  Will get in touch as soon as I can. :)

Kathryn has very kindly given me a guest spot to talk about my new historical novel, “The Half-Hanged Man”. This is a tale of high adventure and romance set during the Hundred Years War between England and France. Relevant to this blog, it is set during the reign of Edward III, son of Edward II – that’s Edward II, not William Wallace, Roger Mortimer, Robert de Holland, or any other absurd ‘alternative’ candidates. I've wanted to write about the latter half of the 14th century for a long time. Even by medieval standards, this was a savage and bloody era. Edward III’s decision to be a warrior-king in conscious emulation of his grandfather Longshanks, and as a way of uniting England after his father’s troubled reign, resulted in Europe being plunged into a series of dynastic wars.

England was at war with France and Scotland, and Spain and Italy were divided by internal conflicts. The constant fighting and general chaos offered rich pickings to savvy mercenary captains such as Sir John Hawkwood, Bertrand du Guesclin, Hugh Calveley and Robert Knolles, all of whom succeeded in making a fat profit while Christendom burned. The Half-Hanged Man is the story of one such captain, though a fictional one. Like many of his peers, Thomas Page is a commoner, destined to rise to brief greatness by virtue of wielding a nifty sword. The book also follows the story of the Spanish courtesan known as the Raven of Toledo, and of Hugh Calveley, a particularly ruthless soldier and black-armoured giant with flaming red hair and incisors he had specially sharpened to terrify the French! Thrown into the mix are any number of battles and sieges, including the Battle of Auray in 1364, where the Franco-Bretons and Anglo-Breton armies hammered the life out of each other for possession of the Duchy of Brittany. Below is an excerpt of Hugh Calveley’s memories of the epic Battle of Najéra…

Excerpt: “I led my portion of the rearguard across the open ground to the right of the prince’s battalion, and surged into the first company of Castilian reinforcements as they tried to arrange into a defensive line. They were well-equipped foot with steel helms and leather jacks, glaives and axes, but demoralised and unwilling to stand against a charge of heavy horse. I skewered a serjeant in the front rank with my lance and rode over him as the men behind him scattered, yelling in fear and hurling their banners away as they ran. If all the Castilians had behaved in such a manner, we would have had an easy time of it, but now Enrique flung his household knights into the fray. It had started to rain heavily, sheets of water blown by strong winds across the battlefield, and a phalanx of Castilian lancers on destriers came plunging out of the murk, smashing into the front rank of my division. A lance shattered against my cuisse, almost knocking me from the saddle, but I kept my seat and slashed at the knight with my broadsword as he hurtled past, chopping an iron leaf from the chaplet encircling his basinet, but doing no other damage.

My men held together under the Castilian charge, and soon there was a fine swirling mêlée in progress. I was surrounded by visored helms and glittering blades, men yelling and horses screaming, and glimpsed my standard bearer ahead of me, shouting and fending off two Castilians with the butt of his lance. Another Englishman rode in to help him, throwing his arms around one of the Castilians and heaving him out of the saddle with sheer brute strength, and then a fresh wave of steel and horseflesh, thrown up by the violent, shifting eddies of battle, closed over them and shut off my view. I couldn’t bear to lose my banner again, and charged into the mass of fighting men, clearing a path with the sword’s edge. A mace or similar hammered against my back-plate, sending bolts of agony shooting up my spine, and my foot slipped out of the stirrup as I leaned drunkenly in the saddle, black spots reeling before my eyes.”

Intrigued? See the links to the Kindle and paperback below:


And links to my blog and joint website: 

Many thanks to David for giving us this glimpse of his new novel, and I'd like to wish him all the best and much success in his future writing career!


  1. I will keep a look-out for this novel!

    No worries Kathryn re e-mails - it's a busy time of year.

  2. Yeah, I have a To Do list that should keep me busy till Easter. ;-)

  3. Dear David,

    Your Half-Hanged Man sounds fascinating, the title itself being quite intriguing :-). In my research concerning the Young King I came across Mercenaries and Paid Men: the Mercenary Identity in the Middle Ages by John France. I needed it to learn more about Sancho de Savannac and found it really helpful. Can you recommend any other works devoted to medieval mercenaries? I would be grateful for any tips.

    Thank you,

    Kasia Ogrodnik

  4. Kathryn, I do agree with Anerje. It is a busy time of year:-) Good luck with all your activities and projects! And thanks for the guest-post and a new book to add to my TBR pile:-)
