
03 December, 2012

Happy Anniversary To Me And Edward!

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the Edward II blog!  Yes, I started it on 3 December 2005, wow.  Seven years, 445 posts (at least three or four a month every month since December 2005) and almost half a million page views later, I'm still here and still have lots and lots and lots on the subject of Edward II that I want to say, and am really looking forward to the next seven years of the blog, and the seven after that.  :-)

Thank you so much for reading and for your support over the years!


  1. Happy Anniversary Your Majesty and Kathryn:-) Best Wishes and many happy posts!

  2. Kathryn, you are right of course: Sophie- not Linda- Jackson :-) Why have I written Linda? Perhaps I know one Linda Jackson. Sounds like a film star??? Anyway, does the book cover the 12th century?

    I've been browsing Google Books and come across Christmas: its Origin and Association by William Francis Dowson. This one looks interesting. It deals with the reigns of almost all the kings :-) Separately! So there's a whole chapter devoted to Henry II (read Henry the Young King:-))

  3. Ahhh, brilliant! Thanks for the great tip! ;) Wow, the book really sounds great. I've been flicking through the Sophie ;) Jackson one, and it's very nice and well-produced, but only 120 pages, and very little on the 12th century. :/

  4. Congratulations- your articles and research are interesting and entertaining and I have learned a lot about my favorite King!

  5. Congratulations! and thanks for re-igniting my interest after a long lapse!

  6. Happy Anniversary! That's an impressive number of posts and an amazing collection of research!

  7. Thanks so much, Anerje and Cherith! Really appreciating everyone's kind words here! :)

  8. Kathryn
    Congratulations and Happy Holidays
    Ilove all the info you share with us

  9. Thank you, Mary! Happy Holidays to you too!

  10. Congratulations, and happy anniversary! Here's to the next seven years.

  11. Happy Bloggiversary. :-)

    You started out a few months after me (May 2005). That really makes us oldies in the fast changing world of blogging.

  12. It certainly does, Gabriele! :) Congrats on your seven and a half years!

  13. Hi Kathryn

    Congratulations on on your anniversary. I am still a long way off reading all your previous posts, but look forward to the next ones as well. Please keep going.

  14. Long time lurker here from sunny South Florida! Love your blog, and happy anniversary! Keep up the totally awesome research!

  15. Long time reader from South Florida. Love your research! I visit the site at least once a week to get my Edward II fix! Keep up the great work!

  16. Thanks so much! So glad you're enjoying the site!

  17. Hi, Kathryn. The good news is, you have an award. The bad news? Unlike the Nobel, there's apparently no wad of cash that goes with it. Oh, well.

  18. Oh, thanks so much, Undine! I really appreciate it! (And congrats on yours!) :) :)
