
18 December, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Edward II blog is taking a break until around the 6th of January, so let me wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and may you have a wonderful festive season!

I've written posts about Edward II and Christmas before: see here, here, here, here and here.  And as it's the festive season and I feel like being light-hearted, here are some links to amusing posts you might have missed:

Edward II joins Facebook

Edward II joins Facebook, part 2

Isabella of France and the Support Group for Tragic Queens

Edward II and the Support Group for People Unfairly Maligned in Historical Fiction

My super-snarky post detailing clichés about Edward II in fiction.

And on a more serious note:

My ten commandments for writing historical fiction and about history, one of my most popular posts ever.

The possible death of Edward II in 1327, which actually is my most popular post ever, and over six years old now, wow.

Why we can be sure that Edward II was the father of Isabella's children, another much-viewed page (thank goodness).

A post inspired by my irritation at the trend in histfict to depict various kings as not really the sons of their fathers, with particular reference to Henry III and Edward I.  Be sure to read Sarah's excellent post on the subject too.

Merry Christmas!  See you in 2013 for more Edward II defending! :-)


  1. Merry Christmas, Kathryn! And in my native Polish: Wesołych Świąt! Thank you for your kindness and the feeling of joy I experience each time we exchange the ideas concerning both Edward and Henry. Meeting you has been one of the best things that happened to me in the passing year 2012.

    As for the links you have provided, it seems I am going to be quite busy during my Christmas break :-)

  2. Thanks so much, Kasia, and Wesołych Świąt to you too! :) Yes, it's been so great to get to know you and Henry here, and thank you for those lovely words. So very glad to have met you too.

    Ah, enjoy the posts! :) :)

  3. Thanks for the article; I will have a busy time. Have a wonderful holiday and a great new year.


  4. Thank you, Esther, and the same to you! Thanks also for all your lovely comments on the blog and your support!

  5. Happy Christmas! This is the One blog for a history nut like myself. Thank you very very much for all the work you have done and hope you will keep up the good work!

  6. A very Merry Christmas and I look forward to more great posts in 2013!

  7. Sami, a very merry Christmas to you too, and thank you for the kind words! Thanks too for the lovely emails and sorry I haven't had time to reply - will write back as soon as I can! :)

    Thanks, Anerje, and same to you! All the best!

  8. Hi Kathryn

    A very Merry Christmas to you and a safe and peaceful New Year. Thank you for your wonderful blog as always an interesting, informative and witty read. Keep up the good work and continue the good fight.

    All the best.
    Anne xxxx

  9. Hi Anne! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, and thanks so much for the kind words!

  10. Hi Kathryn

    Enjoy your Christmas and New Year break, you thoroughly deserve it. I look forward to more revelations in the new year.


  11. Kathryn, knock, knock! Are you still there? I just wanted to ask if I could include the links to your Edward's Christmas texts on Henry's blog?
    I'm planning a few Christmas recommendations for further reading.

  12. Thanks so much, Kasia, I'd really appreciate that! Merry Christmas! :)

  13. Thank you, Kathryn. Now I need to wait for Gabrielle and Arenje. Hope they will agree too. Merry Christmas! Wesołych Świąt!

  14. Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr.

    Are you going to exchange the German rain for the British variant? :-)

  15. Happy Christmas, and best wishes for the New Year!

  16. Happy New Year, Kathryn! Hope 2013 will be even better than 2012!

    Inspired by your brilliant Edward II's New Year resolutions I have done the same for Young Henry. I hope you don't mind. I have given the credit where due, of course :-)
