19 March, 2016

Even More Cool Names

The latest post in my series of cool names! See also here, here, here and here. These are all actual names I've found in the chancery rolls of the late thirteenth century (Edward I's reign rather than Edward II's).

Sewell le Foun

Ascelina de Barewe

Hamo Extraneus

Conrald Conrad

Basilia la Peyrenesse

Deucaytus Guillielmi

Letitia de Lovedale

Felicia de Boninghal

Atricius Anlucus

Bathe le Pestur and Wymer le Pestur ('le pestur' means 'the baker')

Elias Body

Fretheburga Saxi

Tephania Morwik

Jenkin Bonnak

Jonkin Kat

Warin de Fraxino

Mabel de Boweles

Hagyn Cok

Richard de Bosco Reardi

Tassard de Clusis

Laderana de Belewe (also spelt Laderina, Ladrana, Ladereyna etc)

Dionisia Boskedek

Gersenta Bulloc

Clori Laske

Manettus Bechi

Wosselin Fox

Robert, John and Thomas Fuk

Walter Fuket

Burgia le Forcer

Terricus le Alemand ('the German')

Wymarc de Appolony

Enga de la Bere

Coypnus Bonavita

Intherius Buchard

Clemencia and Dametta Burd (sisters)

Walkelyn de Cadyhou

John Escu de mort. This literally means 'Shield of death' in French; very curious. John was a mainpernor (i.e. guarantor) of a debt of twenty pounds by one Robert Burdon to Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, in 1279.

Mazera de Clinton

Eudo Jop

Mariota Dilewyn

Warner de Engayne (ooooh! My last name used as a first name in 1279!)

Aylei Gogard

Sapiencia de Karliolo (i.e. Carlisle)

Rametta daughter of Thomas son of William

Orlandinus de Podio

Luke de Luke (this probably means Luca or Lucas of Lucca in Italy, but it still looks funny)

Equilinus de Bleyves

Amice Masco

Remigius de Meaudlingg

Joceus Mestre

John de Treys Chasteus ('of three castles')

Goda de Norfolkia

Odo de Pelecot

Amabilla de Pemilbury

Brunus del Pek

Bitherus Pesse

Gerinus de Sancto Egidio ('of Saint Giles')

Clarus Felyng

Godard Grapays

Wyottus le Carpenter

Edward Spitty

Jospinus Deulegard

Swetiva of-the-Stathe (who in or before 1274 murdered a man named Augustine Spurnewater in Norwich)

Walter Attetouneshende (i.e. 'at town's end')

Eufrasia de Braunford

Mathia de Stok

Sweyn de Haton

Wlsi Horiballok (I can't make head nor tail of that first name; I assume it's a foreign name which an English scribe had no idea how to spell)

Drogo de la Byri

Hamund Melepuf

Hamo Mogge

Richer Prat



sami parkkonen said...

This is, as always, very very funny and very intriguing for ones imagination.

I have no idea what the loan business back in the day was but if the loan guarator is named the Shiled of Death, I would take the situation pretty seriously. Also if I had a friend whose last name was Boweles (bowls?), I would have some caution as in What to serve at the dinner.

Those infamous Fuks have been commented many times so I would like bring up the poor Walter Fuket. Now theres a name which must have had caused some unfortunate incidents back then. I can imagine honest mistakes taking place in some not so high class drinking establishments with some not so funny results.

Anyways, thank you for opening my sunday with laughter!

Anerje said...

Some of the names are very exotic - and of course, some very funny!