Delighted to see that my attempts to correct all the misinformation on Edward II is having something of an effect. I visited this site recently, and was delighted to see that remarks to the effect that Edward II did not father his children had been corrected, and that the webmaster had included links to this blog.
Hooray - I'm so glad to have found your blog. Master Geoffrey Chaucer pointed me the way. :)
I can't wait to read & think about your posts I see on Weir's book. I have it - but haven't read it yet.
Hi Stephanie, nice to see you here! :) It's funny, I've just discovered Master Chaucer's blog myself - it's great, isn't it??
"remarks to the effect that Edward II did not father his children had been corrected"
Hey that's not what I said. I said: "Note that even if Edward II isn't the father of his wife's children, it only removes a single person from our ancestry, namely Edward II."
I never said this was actually the case.
See My page in 2005.
Anyway, we're good now.
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