My Publications

Here is a list of my published works, and, below, a list of my forthcoming ones:

'The Provenance and Early Ownership of John Rylands MS English 1', Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 81 (1999), pp. 127-40 (based on my MA thesis)

'The Adherents of Edmund of Woodstock, Earl of Kent, in March 1330', English Historical Review, 126 (2011), pp. 779-805

Edward II: The Unconventional King (Stroud: Amberley, 2014)

Isabella of France: The Rebel Queen (Stroud: Amberley, 2016)

'How to Relate to Medieval Rulers', BBC History Magazine Collector's Edition: Medieval Kings and Queens (2017)

'Isabella of France: Rebel Queen', Ibid.

'My Favourite Place: Seville', BBC History Magazine (May 2017)

'Long Live the King', History of Royals (May 2017)

Long Live the King: The Mysterious Fate of Edward II (Stroud: The History Press, 2017)

Richard II: A True King's Fall (Stroud: Amberley, 2017)

''Bought by the King Himself': Edward II, his Chamber, his Family and his Interests in 1325-26', Fourteenth Century England X, ed. Gwilym Dodd (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2018), pp. 1-23

Blood Roses: The Houses of Lancaster and York Before the Wars of the Roses (Stroud: The History Press, 2018)

'The Marriage of Edward II and Queen Isabella: A Reconsideration', Mortimer Matters, vol. 31 (February 2018)

Edward II and Hugh Despenser the Younger: Downfall of a King's Favourite (Barnsley: Pen and Sword, 2018)

"We Might be Prepared to Harm You': an Investigation into Some of the Extortions of Hugh Despenser the Younger', Journal of the Mortimer History Society, 2 (2018), pp. 55-69.

Following in the Footsteps of Edward II, a travel guide to locations in Britain associated with Edward (Barnsley: Pen and Sword, 2019)

Philippa of Hainault, Mother of the English Nation (Stroud: Amberley, 2019)

'A Queen Against the Odds', BBC History Magazine (January 2020)

Edward II’s Nieces, the Clare Sisters: Powerful Pawns of the Crown (Barnsley: Pen and Sword, 2020)

Living in Medieval England: The Turbulent Year of 1326 (Barnsley: Pen and Sword, 2020)

The Rise and Fall of a Medieval Family: The Despensers (Barnsley, Pen and Sword, 2020)

Daughters of Edward I, a joint bio of Edward II's five sisters (Barnsley, Pen and Sword, July 2021)

'7 Things You Probably Didn't Know About the Houses of Lancaster and York', History Revealed (December 2021)

John of Gaunt: Son of One King, Father of Another (Stroud, Amberley, January 2022). I submitted the manuscript to the publisher in April 2020, but because of Covid it was massively delayed.

London: A Fourteenth-Century City and its People (Barnsley, Pen and Sword, June 2022)

Sex and Sexuality in Medieval England (Barnsley, Pen and Sword, August 2022)

'The Joys of Medieval Sex', Mortimer Matters, vol. 50 (October 2022)

The Granddaughters of Edward III (Barnsley, Pen and Sword, February 2023)

Edward II's Sexuality and Relationships, published by Pen and Sword in March 1324. (Edited to add: obviously this should be 2024! I'll leave the typo there as it's so typical for me, haha)

Crusaders and Kings of Jerusalem: The Beaumonts (Pen and Sword, November 2024)

Forthcoming Works

Journal of the Plague Years, a social history of the victims and survivors of the fourteenth-century pandemics, to be published by Pen and Sword sometime in 2025.

Life in the Medieval Town, working title, to be published by Pen and Sword in 2025 or 2026.


Caroline Newark said...

I am losing the will to live. I manage a meagre one book a year and that exhausts me. How do you do it Kathryn?

Kathryn Warner said...

Obsession, basically :-)

matt said...

Looking forward to the Despenser one.
Just the one book on them?
They certainly had their fingers in quite a few ' pies'!

Kathryn Warner said...

Actually, two - a bio of Hugh the Younger, and one about the whole dynasty from his grandfather to his great-great-granddaughter. There's also quite a bit in the Clare sisters book.

Aine Kelly Bonnefoy said...

Hi Kathryn
Re: the "Lancastrian" lands in France in one of the comments:
I think...these are Blanche d'Artois' inheritance in Champagne (Beaufort-en-Champagne and Nogent-l'Artauld)which John of Lancaster inherited when his mother died in 1302. They are not in Provence. Henry III was greatly annoyed that his wife got NO share of bountiful Provence (as was his brother-in-law King Louis IX on behalf of Marguerite. "Laying claim" is not the same as obtaining ;)

Kathryn Warner said...

Hi Aine, yes, the very obscure John of Lancaster received the lands in Champagne and they passed to his elder brother Henry on his death in 1317. John of Gaunt, as the husband of the Lancastrian heir Blanche, was still interested in a share of Provence as late as 1366, eighty years after Eleanor of Provence bequeathed her claim to the county to her Lancaster grandsons.

Super Blue said...

Perhaps this page could include pictures of the front covers?

Super Blue said...

Could you include front covers with the titles?

Kathryn Warner said...

That's an excellent idea, thank you! Will do that now.

Chris Klein said...

Hi Kathryn -

Is the Mortimer Journal article only available as a hard copy in the Journal itself, or is there an online version? I tried to search, and I only found reference on their website to the publication themselves.


Kathryn Warner said...

Hi Chris! I'm pretty sure that it's only available as a hard copy - I've never seen an online version of it.

Chris Klein said...

Hi Kathryn -

Just finished, "Long Live the King", and I must say, I was really impressed. Very good read for those of us who are fascinated with the subject of Edward II. As a chemist and a scientist, I greatly appreciate the way you objectively present the arguments of whether he survived past 1327 and even until 1338, or not, and present the arguments such that the reader is allowed to draw their own conclusions.

And until (if?) we find another needle in the haystacks, the only thing we have is conjecture. Now, I am a competent enough scientist to admit my bias - I'm a Kathryn Warner fan, so I tend to agree with you that there is enough smoke to think there was fire in that he survived at least until 1338. While I am hardly an expert of Medieval English kings, I find your point that, if there ever was a King who could adapt to a humble life, it would be Edward II. If he did live in Italy, whether forced or protected, he had the wherewithal as he was a man of the land, one who could be content to dig ditches and thatch roofs.

In addition (and I'm going to be guilty now of conjecture without any evidence), Edward II had a strong sense of God and country, and perhaps he resigned himself to understanding that his stepping away from the crown was for the best of England. I am sure, if he survived, he had plenty of time to contemplate his life, his rule and his reign and perhaps he accepted his fate knowing the country could heal. (He had the benefit of no YouTube cute kitten videos to waste his time!) After all, his son was King of England, and even if Edward II had a legitimate claim to retake the throne, he accepted the future of England was in his son's hands, not his.

Finally, one of the reason I really enjoy your writing and this blog is you don't just portray these people as historical subjects, but as human beings, as real people. We have no ideas as to their thought processes, as to their personal motivations, but we know they were people, imperfect, moody, subjected to their own whims, beliefs, humors and motivations. They were not caricatures (i.e., Edward II = "weak", Isabella = "she-wolf"), they were real people with complex thoughts and motivations, and you remind us of that.

That being said, I am buying into the idea that Hugh the Younger = "evil"...guy's been dead for over 700 years and he still makes my skin crawl...

I stumbled onto this blog years ago in researching one of my ancestors, Robert the Bruce, and I'm very glad I did.

Kathryn Warner said...

Dear Chris, thank you so much for the kind words (I'm blushing! :) and for sharing your thoughts on the mystery of Edward's death or survival! Some great news is, assuming Covid restrictions permit, I've been invited to participate in a documentary about it, for German TV. Hope that filming can take place this year! And really hope that one day someone will make a documentary about Edward for British or American TV!

Chris Klein said...

Hi Kathryn -

I really hope that happens.

One could make a fascinating documentary series on Edward II - debunking the 'Braveheart' myths, the Isabella's brothers' wives adulatory story is a movie unto itself, the 'triangles', Piers and later Hugh the Evil, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

I plan to retire in three years, maybe we can do a GoFundMe or Kickstarter, LOL!

In all seriousness, I never thought I would become so engrossed in a period of time that spans 1307 - 1327...and before...and after...fascinating stuff. Just downloaded the Isabella book, so that's my next read.

For five years, I travelled throughout the UK for my job - the company I worked for at the time had plants in Slinfold, Four Ashes and Wolverhampton. As a fan of history, I spent the weekends I had going to different places and immersing myself in the history. One of my favorite places was Arundel Castle - at the time, it spoke to me as I grew up in Maryland where we have Arundel County which is named for the lands to that family was deeded in the New World. Little did I know at the time the connection to Edward II.

(And speaking of pronunciation, if one is from Bawlmer, Merrland, home of the Balwmer Oreos and how 'bout dem Ravens, hon, Arundel is pronounced, "A-run-dull". The first time I visited the castle I was admonished that the proper pronunciation is "Air-Un-Dale". LOL!)

I just wished I had found this blog before then as I would have loved to do a Ed II tour - he wasn't on my radar at the time.

Kathryn Warner said...

Hi Chris! Gosh, really? I'm English and I've always pronounced it like you do, 'A-run-dull'. :o I've never been to Arundel Castle, unfortunately; I'm from the north and haven't spent all that much time in the south-east of England, though my dad comes from Buckinghamshire. I come from just about the only part of England (apart from Cornwall, probably) that Edward II never visited. Figures. :-D

Thanks for downloading the Isabella book, and I really hope you enjoy it! And yes, I live in hope that one day in the not too distant future, someone will make a proper documentary about Edward II. Emphasis on a 'proper' documentary, not a repeat of Dan Jones's ridiculous nonsense ("Even though the red-hot poker murder almost certainly didn't happen, here's a reconstruction of it anyway, and let's watch the actor's tortured facial expressions again, in slow motion this time").

David Skidmore said...

I'm sure they are all great although I haven't gotten around to all of them. I hope to read the one on John of Gaunt next.

Kathryn Warner said...

Hi David, thank you!

Chris Klein said...

Hi Kathryn -

We moved to a beach, so I now WFH and probably won't retire for a few more years. (Our KickStart/GoFundMe documentary might be a bit delayed - why retire when I can walk downstairs to my office, work in shorts and tee shirts, and have lunch with my wife on a beach? LOL!)

Are all of your current publications available in the US for Kindle? Yes, I could go on Amazon and look for myself, but I also wanted to wave 'Hi' from our side of the pond and let you know I still look forward to your FB and blog posts.

Kathryn Warner said...

Hi Chris, great to hear from you again! Living on a beach, how fab! Yes, all my books are available for Kindle in the US, except probably the new one about Edward III's granddaughters - I hope it will be soon. All the best!

David Skidmore said...

I'm enjoying your biography of John of Gaunt at present but looking ahead, I notice you have a new book that addresses Edward II's sexuality. I'll put that on the reading list.

Kathryn Warner said...

Thank you, David! Yes, that one is due out on 28 February this year.