19 December, 2021

Book Giveaway: John of Gaunt and Philippa of Hainault

My book John of Gaunt: Son of One King, Father of Another will be released in the UK in mid-January 2022, finally (I submitted it to Amberley in April 2020, but because of Covid, it's been massively delayed). I have three, yes three, free hardback copies to give away!

My biography of John's mother, Philippa of Hainault: Mother of the English Nation, will be released in paperback also in early 2022, and I have two free (paperback) copies of it to give away as well.

You can enter either draw, or both! To do so, either leave a comment here, with your email address so I can contact the winners, or email me at edwardofcaernarfon(at)yahoo(dot)com, or message me/leave a comment on my Edward II Facebook page, or if we're connected on my personal Facebook or Twitter accounts, you can contact me there as well. Make sure I have some means of contacting you if you're one of the lucky winners, and also, let me know which book(s) you'd like to win. It doesn't matter where in the world you are, as long as you have an address I can post a book to!

The closing date is midnight GMT on 31 December 2021, so you have twelve days to enter the draw. Best of luck!


Anonymous said...

You know I want all of your books.

Kathryn Warner said...

Have added you to both, Kim!

Cathie Lawler said...

I would be so pleased to have either of your books.

Cathie Lawler

Kathryn Warner said...

Thanks, Cathie, have added you to both!

Michael Flowers said...

My mum doesn’t know she is getting your Edward II. The unconventional King for Christmas, so please add her to both draws. She is fascinated by that period of history

Margaret H said...

I would love either of your books, or both !

Margaret H said...

I would love to have either of your books, or both!

Bill said...

I have (and enjoyed reading) "Phillipa of Hainult" but would like a chance to get a copy of
"John of Gaunt". My birthday is in January, it would make a lovely gift.

Bill Ticknor

Libby said...

Oh yes please, it will go with your 11 other books that I have

Libby Millard

Unknown said...

Either would be great

Sonia Dimmock said...

I would love your book about John of Gaunt, he's a favourite.

Christy K Robinson said...

Please enter me in both draws. I will remind you of my email (same for the last 20 years) in FB Messenger.


Diane Dillon Hooper said...

I would love to be considered for both books! John of Gaunt is my many times over grandfather!

Diane Dillon Hooper

Bethlynnbusby said...

I would love a copy of your book, please!

Unknown said...

Hi Kathryn
Please include me in the draw 😊

Kathryn Warner said...

Thanks, everyone, best of luck!

sami parkkonen said...

I hop in too

Charliee warmer said...

Yes please both my friend

Charliee warmer said...

Yes plz.

Charliee warmer said...

Yes please

Brian Stevenson said...

Should I be fortunate enough to acquire your biography of John of Gaunt, it will fill in a gap of my knowledge about your sceptr'd isle and be a most welcome addition to the K W Wing of my home library.

Kathryn Warner said...

Thanks, everyone, you've been added to the draw!

diamilla said...

Interested in both. Hainault household is in my mother's family tree...

Yvonne Griffin said...

I will happily take any of your books �� Thank you for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

I would love a copy of your book.

Lauren Gilbert said...

Please include me in the draw-both sound wonderful.

Kathryn Warner said...

Thanks, all, you're added! :)

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the drawing for "John of Gaunt". I enjoy your books and it helps me with my ancestor research.
Thank you.
Peggy Choate

John Monteiro said...

I am about to delve into the post-Angevin era from the spring of 2022, I have some books on the TBR shelf that need clearing first so about March / April 2022 onward right up to Richard III is my aim. I would love one or both of your books but I see the competition is huge for them, they will take pride of place on my TBR shelf, but then again I might be tempted to sneak preview as soon as I get one, or both.

Anonymous said...

As I have already read the book on Philippa, I would appreciate it if you enter me in the drawing for "John of Gaunt". I enjoy sinking my teeth into your in depth research!



NXPL said...

From across the pond, we love your books and free is even better.

Denise said...

I would love one of your books. Thank you for the chance. Merry Christmas!

Denise said...

I would love one of your books. Thank you for the chance. Merry Christmas!

Kathryn Warner said...

Thank you, everyone, and Merry Christmas! You've all been added!

Helen said...

I would love either of your books! helen(dot)licata(at)gmail(dot)com

Kathryn Warner said...

Thanks, Helen, have added you to both draws!

Caryl B said...

Either would be great - both would be fabulous!!


Isabetta said...

Would love to win the John of Gaunt book as I'm learning about that time period and loving it atm.


Kathryn Warner said...

Thanks, Caryl and Isabetta, you're both added!

Sylvia said...

Hello Kathryn!
I've been a fan of your writing since forever and have most of your books!
I'd love to win your bio of Philippa of Hainault.
Thanks for the opportunity to win & have a great week!

Kathryn Warner said...

Hello Sylvia, thanks so much! Have added you to the Philippa draw. Happy New Year and all the best!

Christine Hartweg said...

Hi Kathryn!
I'd love to win your book on John of Gaunt! Happy 2022 to you!

Kathryn Warner said...

Hi Christine, thanks, I've added you! Happy New Year!